Denfeld Sr
High School
Class of 1966
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David Anderson
Tom Anderson
Barb Baldwin (Salmonson)
Gerald Besvold
Dennis Bloomquist
Mary Blotti (Anderson)
Doug Boder
Janet Bordson (Bloomquist)
Wayne Deloach (Deloach)
Jeanne Erickson (Chernega)
Jim Sr Hauer (Hauer)
Mary Hayes (Schilla)
Kathy Horner (Kregness)
Judy Johnson
Tom Johnston
Shirley Joslin (Deterling)
Lorrie Larson (Jeske)
James Leland
Cindy Mattson (Trebilcock)
Gary Nokleberg
Sally Overfors (Whalen)
Roy Ryttie
Darolyn Theodorsen (Geer)
Dave Wait